Photos courtesy of Becky Homan
After three years as Events Consultant for Bowood Farms, Becky Homan is retiring to spend time traveling, cooking, and hopefully taking more pictures. With her Nikon D90 set on a tripod for taking still lifes, Becky has consistently snapped gorgeous photos promoting Bowood's special events.The bearded iris shown here, which look so lovely wherever you spot them right now, were photographed at Greg Freeman Park at Des Peres and Kingsbury, in the Skinker-DeBaliviere Neighborhood (see post about neighborhood here). As Becky said in her email, "a little Van Gogh in the city." I couldn't agree more.
Becky said that one of her proudest accomplishments while at Bowood (and in my opinion, there are many) was booking floral designer Jane Winter for a couple of springtime workshops. When word got out that Jane, owner of Wildflowers, was teaching at Bowood, the class sold out immediately. A second date was scheduled, and that too was filled within hours.
Congratulations, bon chance, and send more photos Becky!