Every ten years, following the census, the Board of Aldermen is required to redraw the boundaries of the City's 28 Wards to reflect population movement. Alderman Lyda Krewson unveiled the proposed map of the 28th Ward (first photo above) at last Thursday night's 28th Ward Democratic Committee meeting held at Dressel's Pub Above. Lyda emphasized that the new boundaries are still being considered by the Board of Alderman. The map is difficult to read, even in its larger view shown here. As indicated on Lyda's post-it in the middle of the 28th Ward Map, streets that are to be eliminated from the Ward are indicated as x'd out (the 4900 block of Laclede where the Majestic is for instance), and areas that are proposed to be picked up by the 28th Ward are shaded in yellow. The second map above, showing three neighboring Wards, has proposed boundaries outlined in black. If you are interested in seeing proposed boundary lines for all 28 Wards, look at this map Lyda sent this morning. You can click on it to see street names.
For more on Alderman Lyda Krewson, pick up the latest West End Word to read a wonderful feature about her, or you can read it online right here.
Nicki… thank you so much for posting this, many folks seem to be interested in knowing what ward they are in. As you know, the 28th Ward meets regularly (usually 3rd Thursday)at Dressels Pub Above. Last month Gary Bess, Dir Parks, gave a great update on St Louis Parks. We always talk about what is going on in the neighbor… what’s new… what’s controversial… what we all think. Email me if you would like to get a notice of our meetings… [email protected]…