Lyda said it was okay to share the following letter with readers of the blog:
Dear CWE Neighbors…4500-46xx Maryland, Pershing Pl & interested others.
Sorry this is so long. I have tried to recap our meeting and provide some additional info on questions we did not get to.
Others in attendance in addition to neighbors,
- Betsy Bradley and Jan Cameron attended from Cultural Resources.
- John Berglund – President CWEA;
- Members of the CWEA P&D Committee, including John McPheeters (Chair), Jim Dwyer, Suzanne Zorn, Ralph Wafer, Bill Seibert.
- Nicki Dwyer – Nicki’s CWE Guide blog
- Jeff Albert – Red Brick
- Pedro- owner/manager Lesters
First of all… thank you so much for the chance to meet and discuss Lesters and other neighborhood issues last Thursday evening at Bar Italia. Those of you who were there know that the tone was challenging… and I have heard a few folks say ‘nothing was accomplished’… I actually think a lot of good things will come from this meeting. Certainly we all know one another a bit better now… and I think we are all committed to communicating better.
The purpose of this email is to recap the meeting – Nothing was ‘solved’ on Friday – but I will be back to you with additional information as it becomes available.
I would welcome the chance to come to your block meetings… please let me know when the next one is.
For those interested, the 28th Ward Regular Democratic Club’s next meeting will be Thursday Sept 15 -7:30pm @ Dressels Pub Above. If you would like to be on our mailing list, please hit me back with an email, address & phone… and you will receive a meeting notice post card a few days before. We also have a new FB page… ‘like’ us. Here is a link to our website.
I thought it might be useful to recap ‘the process’
1. Landlord gets the tenant.. this location has been a restaurant for 20 years+. Some have said they don’t like sports bars, but we don’t get to pick the type of food or style. This is not considered in the city review.
2. Tenant usually makes sure he can get a liquor license before he makes a big investment and finalizes the lease. The liquor license process includes residents/tenants with in 350 feet. This is a very good time to voice your concern, and place limits on their license. Attached is a copy of the ‘circle’. It takes a majority of the property owners & a majority of the residents/tenants to obtain a license. Here is a link to the Revised City Code on liquor licenses.. . Lesters got their signatures last year, before they started work on the property.
- At that time, I asked for the following conditions…
- No trash removal after 9 pm
- Patrons must exit in an orderly manner
- Must do daily litter control
- No deliveries after 9 pm or before 7 am… delivery trucks should not ‘double park or block alley .
3. In this case they wanted to put an addition on the building… remove the old greenhouse… and build a new one story building with roof top patio.
- Tenant does the design considering building codes, and historic district standards. Then they review it with the CWEA P&D Committee… and the City Cultural Resources Dept. In the case of new construction, it also goes to the Preservation Board. The proposed construction is reviewed to see if it complies with the CWE historic district standards… here is a link to the Cultural Resources website, including the CWE standards and Preservation Board information. A copy of the CWE standards is also attached.
§ Finally… the plans & specs go to the Building Division for a building permit. This review is about code issues, not aesthetics.
§ In this case there was also a re-parceling and zoning change. When the greenhouse was built in 1993, the property should have been re-parceled and zoned consistent with the adjoining building. Don’t know why that did not happen in the 90’s. The zoning meeting was posted on the street. Most of you saw it. The hearing was 5/25/11. I emailed an explanation to Lynn Baker, Bruce, Terry, Ken Jones, Don Damask. In the future, I would be happy to email information to your google or yahoo group.
A number of related issues were also discussed at the meeting and in the blogs & emails including
1. Modern/contemporary design… See the standards, they don’t prohibit contemporary design… as you can tell from the blog, some like it, some don’t.
2. Color of the wall… Per Cultural Resources the plans that were approved anticipated a different material and color of the exterior wall. What was built is ‘oranger’ than what was approved. Cultural Resources is talking with Lesters to find a solution to mitigate this issue. They will consult with the CWEA P&D Committee before finalizing. If you have ideas, please email John McPheeters, chair of P&D. His email is [email protected] . P&D is an all volunteer board, their meetings are open to the public. CWEA is at 625 N Euclid, Suite 200. 367-2220 or I know they would welcome your membership and participation.
3. Stan Musial Statue… some don’t like the statue… some don’t like the placement… some think it is advertizing. Pedro owner/manager of Lesters CWE, said that they thought it would be a nice art installation for the neighborhood. The CWE Board strongly supported it, and the City issued a permit to allow it to be placed. Several residents asked for it to be removed. This request is being considered. I will update you.
4. TV’s… Lesters has outdoor TVs on the walls of the rooftop patio. The TVs will not have any sound. Some would like for the TV’s to be removed. There are no city ordinances about outdoor TV’s… it simply has not come up before. Some suggested that the TVs be turned off at 10pm, or some other agreed upon time.
5. Some expressed concern about noise from roof top patio – Lesters said they are committed to being a good neighbor and not disturbing the nearby property owners. If this is a problem, please let me (607 3452) and Lesters know. You can also call 911 for noise issues.
6. Parking lot & Trash issues – there are many compliants about the condition of the parking lot and the messy trash/dumpster area. The dumpsters are contracted for by the tenants. Jeff Albert of Red Brick/Rothschild agreed last week that the parking lot will be fenced along the alley, and an enclosure built around the dumpsters. We also discussed using one vendor, having fewer dumpsters, and having them emptied more often… 5-6 times per week. I am optimistic that this dumpster issue will be improved. Repairing to paving in the parking lot is planned.
7. Assigning parking spaces on the street – some wanted to have parking spaces assigned. This really is not possible on a public street. It is possible to enact resident parking only, and use stickers to identify the residents cars. We can discuss this further if it is something most residents want to pursue.
8. Speeding… some suggested a cobblestone strip every 25 meters. Other streets who have done this are usually not very happy with the result. When cars/trucks go over the cobblestones they are pretty noisy… and ‘rattle’ the houses near them. By city policy, speed bumps are not allowed on public streets because they are considered obstructions for regular and emergency vehicles. Speeding on residential streets is a common and recurring complaint. I will request the speed trailer that indicates how fast the vehicle is going… but to be honest, it does not have a lasting effect.
9. Blocked sidewalks from tables/chairs – all restaurants must have a permit to put tables on the sidewalk. They are required to have a 4 ft clear walkway, some are worse offenders than others and we don't have effective enforcement. I have talked directly with one restaurant about it twice this summer. It is a little better but the chance to sell more food/drink is just too big of a lure for them it seems. Neighbors can also file complaints with Citizens Service Bureau 622 4800. If you can take a pic and send it in on line , I think that will provide good info. I have alerted CSB to the problem.
Lesters has applied for sidewalk seating. Their hearing is Sept 13 -3pm room 416 City Hall. See attached.
10. Tony’s kiosk – Some would like for Tony to have a permanent kiosk. The CWE is a “no vending” district… It originated in deference to permanent businesses, so that the hot dog or t-shirt vendor could not show up on the nice days and take business away from the business that are here 24/7. Perhaps this should be revisited??
11. Alley lighting – I walked both Maryland alleys at about 9:30pm one evening last week. There are 9 lights in the north alley and more in the south. If there is a pole, Ameren will put up another light for about $9 per month on a 3 year contract. Ameren’s number is 342-1000. The construction division is 866-992-6619.
- The Chess Club museum is opening this week. It also went through the normal process described above. Thursday evening they are having a ribbon cutting… and Saturday afternoon they are closing Maryland for a few hours in front of the Club for a ‘human chess match’.
- A new Euro style bakery/pizzeria plans to open at 4501 Maryland… At this time they have not applied for a liquor license. If they do, residents within 350 feet will have the opportunity to sign their petition or not.
- Some of you have heard that Brothers Bar & Grill ( ) was trying to open on Euclid were Pasta House was. Many in the neighborhood did not think this was the appropriate location for Brothers. At this time they have not obtained the required signatures to obtain a liquor license.
If you are still reading, thanks for your patience and interest. More later……
Thanks Lyda
Lyda Krewson
28th Ward Alderman
314-231-7318 . 314 607 3452 (cell)
Speed bumps are not the only way to combat speeding. Narrower roads, in this case via addition of a median or angled rather than parallel parking on Maryland (which would also help alleviate the parking shortage) should also be explored as a traffic calming measure.
As someone has indicated elsewhere, many of us in the CWE want to see the community, and the Euclid corridor between Forest Park Avenue to Washington Boulevard, remain a vibrant mixed-use urban environment…that means retail, entertainment, residential, and office…NOT become an entertainment district. We are proud of our eateries: Brasserie, Wild Flower, Little Saigon, Rasoi, Scape, Bar Italia, Sub-Zero Vodka Bar, Liluma, Herbies, Pi and Dressels to name a few. But a balance in the mix must be maintained. It has been noted of late that it is becoming increasingly difficult for an independent retail establishment to stay in or come to the CWE when the rents keep getting jacked up. There is no easy answer to that but it should be a concern of the community and of institutions such as the CWEA.
One doesn’t have to be a resident on Maryland to sympathyze with the concerns about Lesters of those who are. Even if we just walk (or drive) down Maryland and confront the garish “oranger” wall, we’re offended. It’s hard to understand how they fail to comply with what Cultural Resources approved and might get away with it. If CR doesn’t have the necessary enforcement powers, the Alderman should ensure that they or another entity does.
As for another bar in the former Pasta House space, Brothers or otherwise, I agree it is not appropriate.
I don’t see that statue as anything but a marketing ploy. What is to stop every business in the area from putting giant sculpted representations of their business on the street and calling it “public art”? Its not art. It advertising.
I can just see people having lots to drink on game nights on that patio and cheering and hollering at all hours. I appreciate the team spirit but lets move it inside where its appropriate and respectful to residents.
Also, I think maintenance issues aside residents on Pershing, Maryland, Lenox et al need to really think about what we want this area to be. For good chunks of its 125 year history, the CWE has been a beacon of sophistication that has weathered all sorts of economic ups and downs. I for one, do not want to see it become a sports bar, frat pub haven. Brother’s Bar should not be allowed in this area whatsoever. All sorts of strides have been made in recent years to continue the CWE’s diverse and exciting atmosphere: Bar Italia’s patio and sidwalk bar, Brennan’s wine shop and bar, the Chess Club, Ivy Hill, Coffee Cartel going strong 24/7, the popularity of early am Starbuck’s, the resurgence of Herbie’s, Pi, etc. I had assumed people gathered in the CWE to people watch, enjoy the food and families that live here – not sit on front of a mindless TV downing pints. Shame.
Thanks for posting this. I did not realize Lester’s was so controversial.
I’m assuming Lester’s does NOT have a 3AM license?
I can understand the frustration of those living on Maryland east of Lester’s who have no parking for visitors to their homes. However, this problem (as well as the lighting/trash/pavement issues)have existed long before Lester’s came in. Any new business in that space is only going to aggravate all these issues.
The folks on Maryland need to pursue the resident sticker solution — that would allow them to also designate guests (which I suspect is the real issue).
I LOVE the Stan statue and find it hard to believe anyone could object — in good faith — to this statue. How is this any different from any other street sculptures? We need more public art in the CWE, not less.
Finally, I’m pleased Lester’s has moved in and invested so much money at that location. I hope they follow through on their commitment to be a good neighbor. If the 2d floor patio becomes a noise problem (and I doubt it will — this is a sports bar/restaurant, not s stripe club)hopefully Lester’s will agree to close the patio at a reasonable time.
Just my 2 cents.