Mark Glenshaw, the Owlman of Forest Park, recently posted news that a photograph of Sarah and one of her 2012 offspring, Christopher or Velvet above, made the February 2013 issue of Missouri Conservationist. I have copied some of what the proud Owlman said about this honor and about Nop Paothang's stunning photography below. Be sure to visit Mark's website as he tracks Charles and Sarah, the Great Horned Owls he has been following since December 2005.
Sarah continues to nest and although she is all but impossible to see in the high steep nest except when she takes short breaks out of the nest, she has recently been seen by thousands of people in Missouri and even beyond. There is a gorgeous photo of Sarah and one of the 2012 owlets (Christopher or Velvet) in the new (February 2013) of Missouri Conservationist, the superb monthly magazine of the Missouri Department of Conservation. The picture of Sarah is in an article on Short-Eared Owls written by and with accompanying photographs by Noppadol "Nop" Paothang, one of the magazine's superb photographer. You can see the article here and at the top of the article are nine separate photos. The photo of Sarah is fifth of the nine photos. Check out her talons! When people see with my camera equipment they often ask if I am a photographer. I respond that I am a naturalist who takes photos. Furthermore, I have friends and acquaintances who are professional or semi-professional photographer and to call me a photographer is to insult them! Photos like these by Nop are abundant proof of the difference.
If you are not already a subscriber to Missouri Conservationist, I highly recommend that you subscribe to it immediately. I look forward to its informative articles and superb photography every month. A subscription to it is free to all Missouri households. I am embarrassed to say that I have only been a subscriber for a few years but it is never to late. This link provides subscription information.
P.S. – On the subject of birds, the National Backyard Bird Count effort starts today through February 18th. On the website there is a printable list of the types of birds that inhabit our area. Here is the link (, in case you want to take part. There is no way to even begin counting the gazillion crows that seem to love the CWE. Will post that photo tomorrow.