In addition to contributing to a more vibrant neighborhood, shopping and dining locally reaps other rewards you may not be aware of. The 1% additional tax that is added to your bill in the CWE North Business District is plowed right back in for improvements that benefit the entire neighborhood.
CWEnder Steve Neels has had plenty of opportunities to get his Artic Cat out of the garage this winter. He's been hired by the CWE North Community Improvement District to clear snow from sidewalks in the commercial district from Maryland Plaza to Washington Avenue.
The holiday decorations throughout the district are another example of your sales tax dollars at work. The neighborhood's Bowood Farms is responsible for the lovely installations in the planting areas from Lindell to McPherson,
as well as the many pots they've filled with white birch and red twigged dogwood, above. The Winged Griffins (second photo) and other light standards, as well as the lighted trees and many of the wreaths, roping and bows seen throughout the neighborhood were decorated for the holidays by CWEnder Jim Espy of The Trogolo Company.
January is traditionally a slow time of year in both retail and the restaurant business, so continue to do your part to support the businesses and perhaps together we can buck that trend!