If we weren't experiencing this welcome run of warm weather I might be suggesting that you arrange for houseplant Rx time at Bowood Farms, if only for the opportunity to breathe in the misty-moisty air in the conservatory, above. I called Bowood late last fall to ask if the nursery offered assistance revitalizing tired-looking potted plants. I had just brought my orchid collection inside for the winter, and realized they were all looking pretty sad. Ellen Barredo, above, Bowood's Horticultural Manager, said that indeed they did offer a hands-on, one-on-one workshop, and so I signed up.
By way of background, I have had what I would call dumb luck getting orchids to rebloom each year without very much knowledge on my part. Admittedly, the variety I have collected, phalaenopsis or moth orchid, is the easiest to grow. Nevertheless, word of my success led a couple of neighbors to leave their non-blooming orchids at my door, so now I was also responsible for plants I had unwittingly adopted, and my reputation was at stake!
On the appointed day I packed eight orchids into a Bowood Farms box and brought them to the conservatory. Ellen proceeded to moisten the pots so the orchids, which were tightly packed with roots, could be removed easily.
While she was cutting away dead roots and trimming yellowed leaves she poked holes in the bottom of a bag of Orchid Bark, $10.55, to which water and a small amount of "Thrive" ($12, 16 fl. oz.) was added. (Thrive is a beneficial bacteria that helps with rooting.)
Pots need to be cleaned if they are to be reused. In my case, most of the plants needed larger plastic pots, which are also available for purchase at Bowood Farms. The prepared Orchid Bark was then added to each pot to anchor the plants and give them room to grow, above.
With instructions from Ellen to water the plants weekly in the sink at home by letting water gently run through the pots twice (and to fertilize with orchid food on occasion), I was on my way.
I have been following Ellen's instructions diligently and all of the orchids are blooming again. I have returned one of the adoptees to its owner, and am ready to present the second one any day now.
If you would like to get a jump on spring, schedule an appointment with a plant expert at Bowood Farms to spruce up your potted houseplants. Cost available upon request, material costs on an as-needed basis, 4605 Olive, (314) 454-6868.
As the poet James Merrill once wrote,
Cheaper to replace than repair.
Referring, if memory serves, to willow ware.
NOT to be a curmudgeon….would you like some of mine?