With jury duty on the horizon (Monday), and the fast-approaching CWE Flea to prepare for (July 5), I want to wrap up the month reporting on several events that should have been posted weeks ago. I'll start with the Central West End Association's House Tour, May 30 through June 1.
According to House Tour Chairman Frances Thompson, second from left, the 44th Annual House Tour had the highest attendance (1500) in ten years. Congratulations to Frances and her committee on a job well done. Frances attributes the success of the event to a collaborative effort on the part of many volunteers, including House Captain Pat Rein, left, and CWEA President, Amy Howell Mittelstadt, far right. Thanks and appreciation are due as well to the generous Portland Place homeowners who opened their homes and gardens for the event.
It was all hands on deck at the Preview Party on Friday, May 30 when it started raining (as it had most of the previous week and weekend). Frances' friend Carrie Arnold, third from left, who was visiting from Wales, was pressed into service clearing tables and moving hors d'oeuvres (provided by Gamlin Bros. Whiskey House) under shelter.
As an added attraction, there was a levitating statue in the garden of the Preview Party house. The "Woodland Fairy" premiered her act at the event, i.e. this was her first time in public. The reaction from the guests when she fluttered ever so slightly was one of amazement.
One of the newest CWEA board members, Eric Hamblett, above, had the plum job of chauffeuring guests from the main Portland Place gates on Kingshighway to the mansions on the tour. Eric is one of the founders of Bazaarboy.com and a partner in the CWE's hip, new co-working environment, TechArtista.
The exterior of one of the Portland Place mansions that was featured on the 44th Annual CWEA House Tour. It will be hard to top the 2014 House Tour but, knowing the energy and determination of the CWEA organization, next year's will be fabulous as well.
Thanks to everyone involved for putting on such a fabulous event – pouring rain notwithstanding.