Missouri Style Week, which has been wowing a stylish crowd at The Moto Museum in Grand Center this past week (Wednesday through tonight, Saturday), was founded by Cillah Hall, whose business Xanadu Public Relations is located in the CWE. Her partner in the MOSW venture is K. Lee Productions.
The photos above and below were taken during Friday night's runway show and feature fashions by designer Jaer Caban. The emcee at last night's event was L. A.- based "Stylist to the Stars" Derek Warburton, whose gold shoes were photographed almost as much as the models on the runway. The nonprofit spotlight for the evening (each night features a different nonprofit) was focused on Connection for Success.
The video shows the fashions of designer Alexis Cook. At the end of the video you'll see Cillah Hall wearing a red dress stand to applaud the designer.
The beautiful collection of designer Trang Nguyen, seen at the end of the video.
If you missed an earlier post about the amazing Cillah Hall, read it here. In addition to Missouri Style Week, which Cillah describes as staging four weddings back-to-back, Cillah recently launched a new magazine, Gazelle STL. The publication has been so successful that Gazelle, which was slated to be published quarterly, will become a bi-monthly after the first of the year.
The photograph of designer Kristen Kempton, above, who moved to the CWE after she fell in love with the neighborhood following her participation in the CWE Flea, was taken during an interview for an earlier post (here). Kristen's been working night and day getting her collection, "iheartfink," ready for tonight's turn on the runway. There are four additional designers on the program this evening: Richard Cotto (Avante Garde), Olivia Radle, Hasheli and Rachel Frank.
Missouri Style Week, tonight (Saturday), 6 to 7:45 p.m. "Style Marketplace," 8 to 9 p.m. Runway Show, $35. Tonight's nonprofit spotlight is Urban League of St. Louis; Emcee: Post-Dispatch Music Critic Kevin Johnson. Steve Smith, founder of The Moto Museum, 3441 Olive St., is a huge sponsor of the event.
Purchasing tickets online has a CWE connection too: Chris Holt and Eric Hamblett of Bazaarboy.com & TechArtista are handling ticket sales.