All photos courtesy of Kenneth Hardcastle, Schlalfly Library
It was an honor to be invited to participate in the "Get Your Hat On!" event held last Sunday as part of Black History Month at Schlafly Library. The fashion show was organized by branch managers of the Schlafly, Cabanne and Divoll Branch libraries.
The invitation read: "In African-American culture, Sunday has historically been a day to put on your best clothes and hat, no matter what your work week. The tradition for women of faith to cover their heads symbolized reverence. African-American women took it to a whole new level of beauty, self-respect, and fashion. The smooth baritone voice of Kevin Smoot (above) will introduce our lovely queens with their crowns."
Organizers of Get Your Hat On! from left, Lisa Wolfe, Manager of the Divoll Branch, Barbara Henderson, Manager of the Cabanne Branch, and Leandrea Lucas, Manager of the Schlafly Branch, fitted each of us with several fabulous hats to model. The hats were pulled from the collections of Ann's Hat Boutique (formerly located in CWE…Ann is now retired) and South City's Vintage Haberdashery.
Our instructions were to look in the mirror, adjust our hats and then "work it."
CWEnder Claudette Walker, above, looked smashing in her chapeau.
More models with "hattitude," above and below.
Several of the ladies in attendance also wore hats, above.
There was tea and cake for all after the runway show.
Amanda Dever, Operations Coordinator of the CWEA, and I fell in love with our hats – mine had a matching pink bag, but alas they were not for sale. Thanks to the staff of the Schlafly, Divoll and Cabanne Branch libraries for a great afternoon and for letting us be part of it.
"Get Your Hat On!" is an example of many programs libraries around the country are offering to the community. An article in Public Libraries Online: "Community Centered:"23 Reasons Why…", describes the contemporary library. Read it here.
P.S. – Many thanks to Schlafly Library's Kenneth Hardcastle for sharing the photos.