Last March there was an overwhelming response to a call for yarn for Central Library's Impromptu Knitters Club, a group made up of mostly men, many of whom are homeless. As Spruce Fraser, above middle, a librarian at the main library said about the knitting group she started: "Staying warm is critical to people who may spend hours walking St. Louis streets during the winter. The Library, the club, the balaclava, the hats, and scarves they create offer warmth and dignity to their lives."
Spruce emailed yesterday and asked if I would put out another call for yarn donations, as the members of the club would like to start knitting warm clothes for the cold weather ahead.
Kris Kleindienst, co-owner of Left Bank Books, 399 N. Euclid, has once again generously offered to place a basket in the lower level of the bookstore for donations starting tomorrow, Thursday, September 24, through Wednesday, September 30.
Please email Spruce Fraser with any questions: [email protected]. And thanks in advance for your help with this worthy cause.