2019’s 4th of July Parade ended, as it always does, at the fountain at Maryland Plaza. There, parents visited as the kids and some pups cooled their feet in the water.
The size of this year’s crowd is indicated by the long lines for snow cones and popcorn.
Face painters were busy throughout the morning.
Finally, the 4th of July Family Parade wouldn’t happen without the hard work and dedication of organizers and sponsors including, from left: Jess Campbell, executive director of the Central West End Association, top photo: CWEA Board Members including from left: Kim Brown, Bob Brown, President Kate Walter, and Greg Stroube. Below right: Kate Haher, executive director of CWE North Community Improvement District, her husband Andy, and daughters Reagan and Abby.
And of course, many thanks to Jim Whyte, executive director of the CWE Neighborhood Security Initiative, and 5th District SLMPD officers for redirecting traffic during the parade. They work behind-the-scenes but make an important contribution to the success of this wonderful tradition.