There has been so much confusion and noise hitting us from every corner of our lives this year that, like everyone, I have sought to find peaceful moments whenever and wherever I can.
A special example is Bowood Farms’ overgrown vegetable garden, which in this year of the pandemic has been allowed to return to a natural state. The sight of tall sunflowers and groups of birds swooping over the brush into the dense trees, while insects hum (loudly!) in the background, is truly calming.
In years past the garden has been filled with neat rows of vegetables waiting to be harvested for Bowood’s Cafe Osage, but not this year when the cafe was closed during planting season, and no one knew if and when restaurants would reopen.
For now, I welcome the change and the peace the garden affords. It seems even more appropriate with the passing of Bowood Farms’ founder John McPheeters in early June. John was a true visionary in creating the beautiful, imaginative garden shop and cafe on the northern edge of the CWE, guiding its evolution into a treasured destination over the ensuing years.
John was also a staunch supporter of both the Missouri Chapter of The Nature Conservancy and Magnificent Missouri, In a serendipitous way, it seems fitting that the garden was left untended and allowed to return to nature this summer.
Bowood Farms, Cafe Osage & Holliday are open (check websites for hours), 4600-4605 Olive St. (314) 454-6868.
It is really amazing how fast nature can reclaim itself. Last time I was at Bowood, the garden wasn’t nearly this full and “overgrown. ” I wonder if there is a way they can have both the vegetable garden when the cafe is open for full service and this garden?