When I asked Linda Horsley, who opened Horsley Arts in 2017, how she’s dealing with the pandemic, she replied that there were no words, “my art says it all.”
Cunningham, who has been in the business for 21 years (in Boston until 2015), emailed: “Dan painted a full wall mural in our dining room for the exhibit—it’s really spectacular and was made to show off his virtuosic and impromptu renderings…he did the whole thing with no study sketches—just painting straight out of his head. It was brilliant to watch. Here is a time-lapse video from my website showing the progression over 4 days.“
In reaction to the circumstances Cunningham said: “I’ve extended Dan’s show through the fall with many options for patrons to view. The website has room views and a video tour (see above), visit via FaceTime or Skype by making an appointment for a real time virtual tour, or you may visit in-person with viewings limited to 2 people at a time (masks required).”
Here’s how Maggie Pearson responded when I asked what’s on her drawing board during the pandemic:
“Sadly, I’ve been just crushed by all the added responsibilities and haven’t had lots of creative time. I am working on sending out my Halloween booklet which is an original drawing and ghost stories written by me, plus some silly jokes for trick or treating. I’ve attached some drawings (above) from years past. October tends to be my creative recharge. I also think there’s something poetic about “graves into gardens” in that life morphs or there is some rebirth after death. I’ve been decking out the house in creepy Victorian decor and the yard display is next. But alas, no painting, etc. on my plate.”
Artist Lyn Magee began these pieces, above and below, in March when St. Louis went into lockdown mode. She describes that time as chaotic to say the least and created Chaos Series in response. The pieces are made of painted cardboard, thin strips of metal,
strips of painted canvas and wood,
and other found objects.
Magee’s final piece in Chaos Series shows bark on cardboard.
Read more about Lyn Magee and art created in her CWE studio in an earlier post here. Contact info: [email protected].