On Tuesday, neighbor Aaron Williams invited me to take pictures of his magnificent four-story magnolia tree in spectacular bloom. He suggested that I ought to hurry as there was rain in the forecast and the blooms might not last. It was 80 degrees and cloudy when I took these photos that afternoon, above and below.
And 40 degrees today when I photographed the petals that now carpet the driveway. Alas, Spring sprang a little too soon.
And today we woke up to snow showers Elizabeth! The flowers are holding on for now. But this seems to happen every year, doesn’t it?
I feel like I am completely missing spring in SL. Even though we’ve had a lovely vacation, I feel like I’ll come back on Sunday and all my bulbs and trees will have bloomed and faded and I will have missed it all! When we left, not one bulb was blooming!