CWE-based watercolorist Muriel Eulich will be exhibiting her glorious paintings today, Friday, May 20, from 5 to 8 p.m. at Amy Johnson's KayOss Designs, 387 N. Euclid. Muriel is the third artist Amy has invited to participate in a one-night gallery opening this May.
When you see Muriel's art alongside Amy's KayOss Designs you'll wonder if both artists purposely coordinated colors in advance. That's been the case with each of the other two artists who have exhibited. Both Barb Flunker and Janice Schoultz Mudd's paintings also seemed to have been magically cut from the same artistic cloth.
Muriel Eulich (one night only) at KayOss Designs, 5 to 8 p.m., 387 N. Euclid.