From Alderman Lyda Krewson:
"Dear Gardeners, Adventurers, Folks who just want to ‘make it better’…
In just 1 week, thousands of sunflower seeds are now little plants! See the picture above…. or better yet, go to our 'Sunflower farm' and see for yourself. We have had lucky weather conditions… hot and pretty regular rain.
The weeds are enjoying it too…. We need 40-50 people again this Saturday morning. Come anytime! I will be there early (7:30 ish) for anyone who wants to get some weeding done before it gets too hot. We need to weed while the plants are still so little… once they get to 12+ inches, they will generate some shade of their own so the weeds will have a harder time.
Bring a hoe or gardening 'claw' if you have one. We will have some extra tools too.
Thanks so much to each of you. You might be interested to know that we have volunteers from at least 8 zip codes… I am very encouraged to see that so many are interested in making Delmar better. Bring a neighbor or friend if you can.
Many thanks from the “Delmar Sunflower Team”. Come have fun in the dirt with us.
Richard Reilly – Missouri Botanical Gardens
Don Koster – Washington University School of Architecture
Jim Dwyer – Central West End
Doug Auer – Third Degree Glass
Lyda Krewson – 28th Ward Alderman
Mike Owens – Dirt Farmer J
Thanks to Land Lab, Washington University, St Louis City, Mo Botanical Gardens, Mo Dept of Conservation and many many Volunteers !!"
A P.S. from yours truly:
After you help transform the plot on Delmar stop by the CWE Flea a few blocks east and a little south (449 N. Euclid at Washington). We'll be there from 9 to 2…rain or shine! Visit us on Facebook here.