On Saturday May 9 approximately fifty people, photos above and below, responded to Alderman Lyda Krewson's call to help beautify a large section of the 5100 block of Delmar west of Kingshighway and east of Third Degree Glass Factory. The task that day was to clear the lot – which had already been plowed – of rubble and to spread mulch defining what will become three large Sunflower beds. An earlier post describes plans for this site to become one of 5 Sustainable Land Lab Projects in the City of St. Louis. Sustainable Land Lab is a collaboration between the city and Washington University.
Lyda sent the following email this morning asking for help this Saturday at 9 a.m. If you can lend a hand planting sunflower seeds email Lyda at [email protected]. The next work day is scheduled for Saturday, June 7, and entails weeding and mulching.
From Lyda (below):
"The field has been plowed…the mulch spread… the rubble picked… then tilled again this past Sunday (that would be Lyda, Mike and son Jack). We are ready to PLANT the seeds!
We need 40-50 people again this Saturday. Show up at 51xx Delmar at 9 ish… bring your work gloves…
30 rows… 375 feet long… 9 inches apart… that is 15,000 seeds! It’s going to be beautiful this summer!
Many thanks from the “Delmar Sunflower Team”. Come have fun in the dirt with us.
Richard Reilly – Missouri Botanical Gardens
Don Koster – Washington University School of Architecture
Jim Dwyer – Central West End
Doug Auer – Third Degree Glass
Lyda Krewson – 28th Ward Alderman
Mike Owens – Dirt Farmer J"