Fifty-five contestants entered 2024’s CWE Halloween Costume Contest on Saturday, October 26. When asked by emcees Trish Bush and KSDK meterologist Jim Castillo if the contestants made their own costumes, almost all said yes, including the top 3 prize winners. The top prize of $2500 went to a towering Grimm.Strolling with Cruella won 2nd place…
Author: Nicki
Halloween 2024 Wrap Up: Faces in the crowd
Before I post the winners of 2024’s Adult Costume Contest, I want to share photos of the festive and creative crowd that gathered at Euclid and Maryland for what is the BEST Halloween celebration in St. Louis. Next up: The winners of 2024’s Halloween Costume Contest
2024’s CWE Halloween Dog Parade Part II
Over the years, the CWE’s Halloween Dog Parade has become a magnet not only for pet owners, but also for spectators who enjoy seeing the dogs in costumes, oftentimes matching their “handlers.” 2024’s Halloween parade, which began at McPherson and Euclid at 1 p.m. on October 26, was as popular as ever. When participants reached…